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Denon DCD-A110 CD Player

Denon DCD-A110 CD Player

Denon DCD-A110 CD Player



Celebrate 110 years of defining audio excellence with the masterfully crafted Denon limited edition Anniversary Series silver graphite SACD player, the DCD-A110. Offering a Quad DAC configuration and new Ultra AL32 Processing, upgrade your expectations and enjoy your music in perfect detail.

精心製作的Denon DCD-A110限量系列週年紀念版石墨銀色SACD播放機,是為慶祝Denon 110年的卓越音響成就。 採用並列4 DAC配置和新的Ultra AL32 Processing處理功能,可以提高您的聆聽期望,並享受完美的音樂。


To celebrate 110 years of defining audio excellence, Denon is proud to bring you our premium flagship SACD player featuring Denon’s original patented Advanced S.V.H. Mechanism for the highest audio accuracy. With an outstanding Quad DAC configuration, advanced Ultra AL32 Processing, and strong aluminum feet, upgrade your musical expectations. This celebratory Anniversary Series SACD player comes in a unique silver graphite colour, with a 5-year out-of-box warranty and a special Certificate of Authenticity stamped with the approval of Denon’s Head Engineer.


為了慶祝Denon成立110週年在音響上的卓越成就,精心製作了限量版石墨銀色DCD-A110 高級旗艦SACD播放機,讓它實現您對播放機的所有期望。它採用Denon的專利的Advanced S.V.H轉盤。,是最高音頻檢拾準確性的機制。 憑藉出色的並列4 DAC配置,先進的Ultra AL32 Processing處理和堅固的鋁製機腳,可提高您對音樂的期望。 這款為慶祝周年紀念版SACD播放機具有5年的即用保養,並附有經Denon總工程師批準的特別真品證書。


Celebrate 110 years of defining audio excellence with the Denon limited edition Anniversary Series silver graphite DCD-A110 SACD Player. Denon has been upgrading your expectations in the audio and video industry since 1910 and we are proud to celebrate this great achievement with the DCD-A110 and its partner product, the PMA-A110.

DENON 110年慶祝卓越音響成就

自1910年以來,Denon就一直在提高您對音頻和視頻的期望,通過推出Denon限量系列週年紀念版石墨銀色DCD-A110 SACD播放機,與及其合作夥伴產品PMA-A110,來一起慶祝Denon110年以來卓越音響的偉大成就。


Denon’s new DCD-A110 was carefully designed to exceed the high standards of our predecessor SACD players. Boasting a limited-edition silver graphite color, heavy cabinet, cast-iron feet, and Denon’s own patented Advanced S.V.H. CD mechanism, the DCD-A110 is specially crafted for the most dedicated fans. Designed and engineered with aspiration in mind, the DCD-A110 is as elegant to look at as it is to listen to with a special 110-year inlay logo to celebrate this milestone anniversary.


Denon新款DCD-A110經過精心設計,超過了我們之前的SACD播放機的高標準。 擁有限量版石墨銀色,重型機殼,鋁製機腳和Denon擁有專利的Advanced S.V.H 的CD轉盤機制,是專為最專業的發燒友而設計。 DCD-A110經過精心構想和設計,看起來既雅緻大方,聽起來又逼真還原,並以110年的特殊嵌體徽章慶祝這週年里程碑。

Certificate of Authenticity and 5-Year Warranty

This Denon limited series Anniversary Edition flagship SACD Player comes with a special Certificate of Authenticity stamped with the approval of Denon’s Head Engineer and a premium, 5-year out-of-box warranty.




The DCD-A110 is equipped with Ultra AL32 Processing, the latest in analogue waveform reproduction technology from Denon. Ultra AL32 Processing utilizes data interpolation algorithms and supports Hi-Res 192-kHz/24-bit PCM signal input. These algorithms interpolate points that should exist before and after the points in large quantities of data to achieve a smooth waveform that is close to that of the original signal.

These algorithms up-sample the bandwidth from the original content, smoothing out the waveform and improving the sound reproduction. Ultra AL32 Processing doubles the processing bandwidth from the previous generation up-sampling 384-kHz/32-bit content to 1.512-MHZ. By carefully restoring data that was lost during digital recording, the resulting playback sound is highly detailed, free of interference, accurately localized, richly expressive in the lower range, and beautifully faithful to the original sound.


DCD-A110配備了Ultra AL32 Processing處理,這是Denon的最新模擬波形再現技術。 Ultra AL32 Processing利用數據插值演算法,支持Hi-Res 192 kHz / 24bit PCM信號輸入。 這演算法對大量數據中的點之前和之後應該存在的點進行插值,以實現接近原始信號的平滑波形。

這種演算法從原始內容帶寬進行上採樣,使波形平滑並改善聲音重播。 Ultra AL32 Processing的處理帶寬從上一代的768-kHz / 32bit上採樣倍增至1.512-MHZ,從而使處理帶寬增加了一倍。 通過恢復在數碼錄製過程中丟失的數據,可以使最終的播放聲音高度細緻,無干擾,準確定位,在低音範圍內富有表現力,並且忠實於原來聲音。


Intel’s latest Field Programmable Gate Array, the Cyclone 10, is on board to support the massive data computation required to support Ultra AL32 processing. This processor exceeds the already high performance of current AL32 processing.

英特爾處理器 - 內部ULTRA AL32 PROCESSING 處理

英特爾最新的場域可編程邏輯閘陣列Cyclone 10 FPGA處理器已經在 DCD-A110內應用,以支持Ultra AL32 Processing處理所需要的海量數據計算。對比EMI 和發熱量,該處理器是先前在AL32 Processing處理中使用的Cyclone IV的一半。


In addition to CD and Super Audio CD, the DCD-A110 can play DSD (2.8-Mhz/5.6-MHz) files and Hi-Res audio files up to 192-kHz/24-bit recorded on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW discs. You can also play music files with sampling frequencies of up to 48-kHz recorded on CD-R/RW discs.


除CD和Super Audio CD外,DCD-A110還可以播放DVD-R / RW和DVD+R/RW 上錄製的DSD(2.8-Mhz / 5.6-MHz)檔案和高清192kHz / 24bit音頻檔案,還可以播放CD-R / RW光碟上記錄的高達48 kHz採樣頻率的音樂檔案。


All audio components have been carefully selected and optimized for the best sound quality. The DCD-A110 inherits its customized audio Denon capacitor from the “DCD-SX1 Limited”, our premium SACD player only sold in Japan. AMRS and MELF resistors have been largely adopted in the audio and power sections. MELF resistors offer higher performance with low current noise.


所有音頻組件均經過精心挑選和優化,以實現最佳音質。 DCD-A110從“ DCD-SX1 Limited”(我們僅在日本銷售的高級SACD播放機)繼承了其定制的Denon音頻電容器。 AMRS和MELF電阻(具有較高的性能,且電流噪聲較低),並已在音頻和電源部分大量採用。


The DCD-A110 introduces a new Quad DAC configuration for a more powerful and better spatial expression of the sound stage. Each DAC converts the large amount of data coming from the Ultra AL32 processing for both left and right signal dispatch. This allows the current output bundling to achieve the best sound, and also surpass the operating frequency limit of the DACs, for an outstanding audio performance. This improves the low noise level, improving S/N ratio by 4dB to 6dB depending on the sampling frequency of the content (6dB for PCM and 4dB for DSD), as well as the Total Harmonic Distortion accordingly. Lastly, the DCD-A110 does not use a traditional OP-Amp’s Post Filter Circuit. It is equipped with full discrete filter stage with carefully selected custom tuned audio parts selected by the Denon sound master to achieve outstanding audio performance and an expansive sound stage.

並列4 DAC配置

DCD-A110引入了新的並列4 DAC配置,以實現更強大和更好的聲音舞台空間表達能力。 每片DAC轉換來自Ultra AL32 Processing處理的大量數據,都用於左右信號分配。獲得強大的綜合電流輸出能力並擁有最佳聲音,而且還超出DAC的工作頻率極限,因而得到出色的音頻性能。 這樣設計可以改善微弱噪聲水平,根據內容的採樣頻率而定(PCM為6dB,DSD為4dB)以及總諧波失真,將信噪比提高4dB至6dB。 最後,DCD-A110取消使用傳統的運算放大器作後置濾波電路,採用由Denon聲音大師精心挑選定制調諧的完整分立濾波器,以實現出色的音頻性能和擴展的聲音級數。


Because accuracy is the key to performance, the DCD-A110 is equipped with two clock oscillators, one for each sampling frequency (44.1-kHz and 48-kHz), that can be switched between the frequencies to thoroughly suppress jitter. The high-quality clock is the reference for the four-audio DAC operation and ensures that the digital audio circuitry performs at its maximum potential.

To supply a cleaner master clock directly to the DACs, the DCD-A110 is equipped with tri-state buffer type multiplexers. The Master clock signal supplied from the crystal oscillator passes through the buffer circuit only once to the DAC, impacting the jitter of only 18 fs (femto second = 1015 second).


由於精度是性能的關鍵,因此DCD-A110配備了兩個時鐘振盪器,一個採樣頻率為44.1 kHz而另一個是48 kHz,可以在兩個頻率之間切換以徹底抑制抖動。 高質量時鐘是並行4 DAC操作的參考,並確保數碼音頻電路發揮其最大潛力。

為了將更乾淨的主時鐘直接提供給DAC,DCD-A110配備了三態緩衝多路復用器。 晶體振盪器提供的主時鐘信號僅通過緩衝電路到達DAC一次,僅影響18飛秒的抖動(飛秒fs = 10-15秒)。


To eliminate mutual interference and noise, the power supply units for the digital and analogue circuits are fully independent even though the signals have different characteristics.




The DCD-A110 analogue power supply circuit features a fully discrete design that is optimized for audio with the original Denon large-capacity (3300 µF) block capacitor used for the power unit of the analogue audio circuitry after the D/A converter. The DCD-A110 boasts custom parts, such as High-Power Bipolar Junction Transistor, Fully Discrete Voltage Regulator Circuit, high-sound-quality electrolytic capacitors and polyphenylene sulfide capacitors. These specially designed parts have been co-developed with select manufacturers through an extensive regimen of repeated listening tests. These parts enable a clean, yet robust, stable supply of power, resulting in a sound that is delightfully balanced between a strong foundation and delicate details.


DCD-A110模擬電源電路採用完全分立的設計,針對音頻進行了優化,定制Denon大容量(3300 µF)電容器用於D / A轉換器之後的模擬音頻電路的電源。 DCD-A110具有定制零件,例如大功率雙極晶體管,全離散電壓調節電路,高音質電解電容和薄膜電容等。 這些經過特殊設計的零件是通過反復聆聽測試挑選與製造商共同開發的。 這些部件可提供清潔,堅固,穩定的電源,從而使聲音在堅實的基礎和精緻的細節之間達到令人愉悅的平衡。

Advanced S.V.H. Mechanism, Denon’s Original Disc Drive Design

The DCD-A110’s disc drive is equipped with the Advanced S.V.H. (Suppress Vibration Hybrid) Mechanism inherited from Denon’s high-end models. Signal paths have been shortened to an absolute minimum and circuits have been miniaturized to ensure that excess current and noise will not occur. The various parts are made with different materials such as a copper plate for the top panel to strengthen rigidity, diecast aluminium for the disc tray, and 2mm thick steel for the mechanism brackets. Improvements in high-mass, vibration-resistant properties and the dispersal of resonation points contribute to a high level of vibration resistance. In addition, the mechanism’s low centre of gravity suppresses any vibration occurring inside the mechanism due to disc rotation, and the mechanism structure also effectively suppresses external vibration. By eliminating unwanted vibration, servo-related operations are minimized, and by also minimizing unnecessary controls and current consumption, digital signals can be read from the disc with optimum accuracy under stable conditions.

Advanced S.V.H.轉盤機制,Denon的原創光碟驅動器設計

DCD-A110的光碟驅動器配有Advanced S.V.H.(混合抑制震動)轉盤機制,是從Denon的高端型號繼承而來。轉盤內部信號路徑已縮短到絕對最小值,電路也已微型化,以確保不會出現過大的電流和噪聲。各個部件均由不同的材料製成,例如用於增加強度的頂部銅板,用於光碟托盤的壓鑄鋁材以及用於機械支架的2mm厚的鋼材。高質量,抗震動性能的改善和共震點的分散有助於提高抗震動性能。此外,機構的低重心放置抑制了由於光碟旋轉而在機構內部發生的任何震動,並且機械結構也有效地抑制了外部震動。通過消除不必要的震動,可以最大程度地減少與伺服相關的操作,還可以通過減少不必要的控制和電流消耗,在穩定條件下以最佳精度從光碟讀取數碼信號。

Circuitry with Minimized Signal Paths

DCD-A110 circuits have been thoroughly designed to adhere closely to the “simple & straight” design philosophy. Circuit patterns have been reworked from the ground up to make the signal paths as short as possible and ensure that the original sound is faithfully reproduced across the sonic spectrum. As a result, interference between circuits and between left and right channels as well as adverse influences on audio signals are minimized, producing clean, highly transparent sound.


DCD-A110電路已經過徹底的重新設計,以嚴格遵循“簡單而直接”的設計理念。 從零開始重新設計了電路模式,使信號路徑盡可能短,並確保在聲音頻響上忠實地播放原來的聲音。 結果,電路之間以及左右聲道之間的干擾以及對音頻信號的不利影響被最小化,從而產生乾淨,高度透明的聲音。

Direct Mechanical Ground Construction

The integrity of musical signals deteriorates when they are subject to internal vibration caused by disc rotation or the power transformer or to airborne vibration caused by sound pressure from the speakers. To guard against such influences, Denon engineers designed a vibration suppression structure called “Direct Mechanical Ground Construction”. In this design, the power transformers – themselves a source of vibration – have been placed close to the feet of the DCD-A110 where unwanted vibration is funneled directly to the ground and prevented from affecting nearby circuitry. Also, by placing the drive mechanism – the part with the greatest mass – low in the centre of the chassis, the low centre of gravity effectively absorbs internal vibration caused by disc rotation and also protects the mechanism from external vibration. To further shut out external vibration, the 1.2mm thick main chassis has been reinforced with two 1.6mm thick steel plates to produce a highly rigid three-layer structure with sufficient vibration-resistant mass.



CD Compatibility: CD / CD-R/RW / SA-CD / WMA / MP3 / AAC    Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Data Disc Compatibility: DSD / WAV / ALAC    <=5.6 / 192 / 96
110th Anniversary Audio Tuning    Yes
All black interior    Yes
Aluminium Top Cover    Yes
Aluminium Feet    Yes
Mechanism stabilizer - made of copper    Yes
AL 32 Processing    ULTRA AL32
Quad DAC Configuration    4x PCM1795
DAC Master Clock Design    Yes
Extra metal plate for chassis strengthing    Yes
Aluminium side panels    Yes
Display: Dimmer / Off    Yes / Yes
Program Play (CD / SA-CD)    Yes / Yes
Repeat    Yes
Random Play    Yes
Start Sound Mode for SA CD    Yes
Inputs Outputs
Analogue Out (Cinch)    2ch
Digital Optical In / Out    No / 1
Digital Coaxial In / Out    No / 1
Gold plated Cinch    Yes
Remote Control Bus in / out    Yes
Mechanism    SVH Loader
DAC IC    4x PCM1795, Burr Brown
Frequency Response (Cust.)    2 Hz-50 kHz
Dynamic Range (SA)    118 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio (SA)    122 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion (SA)    0.00%
Frequency Response    2 Hz-20 kHz
Dynamic Range    101 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio    122dB
Total Harmonic Distortion    0.00%
Available colors: Premium Silver / Black    Silver Graphite
Metal Front Panel    Yes
Remote Control    RC-1237
Power Consumption in W    42
Standby Consumption in W    0.1
Auto Power Off    Yes
Detachable Power Cable    Yes
Maximum Dimensions (W x D x H) in mm    434 x 405 x 138
Weight in kg    16.2
Carton Maximum Dimensions (W x D x H) in Inches    577 x 555 x 302
Carton Weight (inc. product) in LBS    21.5

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