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61 & 63, Jalan Dedap 6,
Taman Johor Jaya,
81100 Johor Bahru,
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+607-352 1923
+607-352 1923

ToneWinner ETM-2 Mic Professional Microphone Set

ETM-2音频测试话筒是专门用于声场音响效果自动测试的话筒,配合高清解码功放及DSP声场处理设备等的声场自动测试功能,能够很快很好的自动完成各声道的智能房间声学特性扫描功能;启用智能房间声学特性扫描可以自行选择设定最佳的各声道环绕声场音量。可对环境声学特性进行拾取分析并自动决定所连接扬声器的数量、其用于低音管理的尺寸、重低音扬声器的最优拐点频率和主要聆听位置距离等。接着通过捕获聆听区域内的室内噪音在频率和时间阈两方面的问题来消除因室内噪音而导致的失真。 从而让每个人都能听到清晰正常的声音。

Introduction: ETM-2 audio test microphone is a microphone specially used for automatic sound field sound effect testing. With the automatic sound field test function of high-definition decoding power amplifier and DSP sound field processing equipment, it can quickly and well automatically complete the smart room of each channel Acoustic characteristic scanning function; enable the intelligent room acoustic characteristic scanning, you can choose and set the best surround sound field volume for each channel. It can pick up and analyze the environmental acoustic characteristics and automatically determine the number of connected speakers, their size for bass management, the optimal inflection point frequency of the subwoofer, and the main listening position distance. Then, by capturing the frequency and time threshold of indoor noise in the listening area, the distortion caused by indoor noise is eliminated. So that everyone can hear a clear and normal sound.

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