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Cayin CS-805A Vacuum Tube Integrated Amplifier

In our new single-ended class A amplifier, 

two 805A output tubes deliver a powerful 2x 50 watts.

The classic WE6SN7 output triodes are used for the voltage amplifier stage of the Cayin CS-805A integrated amplifier. 

Exquisite 300B work in the driver stage for the 805A output tubes.





Three pairs of line inputs are complemented by an additional pair of pre-inputs for connecting an external preamp. 

The CS-805A can also be used as a power amplifier or integrated into home cinema systems with AV processors.

The CS-805A has a high-quality headphone output with excellent sound characteristics that can drive most listeners befitting their status.


Users can easily adjust the bias of the 805 tubes via the integrated bias display. 

With a so-called hum balance control, the user can also adjust the level of the 300B tubes from the outside.

The value of the negative feedback can be selected between 0 and -3dB on the remote control 

in order to adapt the sound character of the amplifier to your individual listening habits. 


At 0dB, the Cayin CS-805A reveals an open, 

fluid sound with plenty of detail, while at -3dB, 

playback appears smooth, precise, and controlled.


Soft start circuitry and high voltage delay to protect the amplifier work together to extend the life of the tubes and sensitive components.

Easily accessible high voltage fuses are used to protect the amplifier. 

In the event of a tube failure, the fuse reacts immediately and thus protects the circuitry, 

which is implemented in the finest point-to-point wiring.

Only high-quality components are used: 

These include an Alps volume control, porcelain tube sockets, 

selected capacitors and carbon film resistors with the highest audio quality. 

A large dimensioned toroidal transformer guarantees a stable power supply even with impulsive music. 

With a large bandwidth, the EI output transformers ensure optimal coupling with the loudspeakers used.


The Cayin CS-805A comes standard with a remote control that stores the last operating status of the device after it was turned off.

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