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Hi Fi Studio Sdn Bhd
61 & 63, Jalan Dedap 6,
Taman Johor Jaya,
81100 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
+607-352 1923
+607-352 1923

LightSpeed Reference Ultimate 2 Analog Powerline Filters

Lightspeed Reference Ultimate 2 Analog

This dedicated reference analog device delivers see-through transparency, precise imaging, speed and power and pitch-black background to a new dimension.

Available as a 200 ~ 250 VAC model. Most European style plugs (not outlets) available, contact your dealer for availability and pricing differences.


2 filtered (core-R3 level 2) analog outlets (11)

2 filtered (core-R3 level 4) analog outlets (22)

4 filtered (core-R3 level 6) analog outlet (33 & 44)

1260 joules/90,000 amperes surge capacity

2400 Watts/20 Amperes power/current capacity

Standard 6 foot 8 gauge ultra-low inductance ultra-high speed dual Power 20 power cord with hospital grade Dual Mono Plug (DMP)

Dual parallel fusing construction

All hospital grade outlets

Additional shunting mechanism for digital and analog outlets

Set of 4 vibration control spikes provided

HyperDriveTM Technology

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